понедельник, 20 апреля 2020 г.

Opinion Letters and Articles

Opinion writing is an elementary type of argument in which students give reasons for their opinions and preferences. 
Opinion articles and letters are written when we want to express our personal opinion on a particular topic. 
They can be articles for publication, compositions for a class assignment, letters to be the press/authorities, or letters to a friend. 
They should include relevant information to support our opinion, and use an appropriate style depending on who is going to read the peace of writing.
To know what is the Opinion letter and how  to arrange it go through these links below.
Left questions ask in the comments. 

1. Writing a Draft: Introduction

2. Lesson video for 'Brainstorm topics for writing opinion letters'

3. Opinion Writing Strategies for Second Grade Students 

4. Writing letters do not forget to use appropriate style

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