понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.

Test on Simple Sentence

Task. Fulfill this test.

simple sentence consists of just one independent clause.
Combine each pairs of sentences given below into a simple sentence.
An example is given below.
  • The tea was so hot. I couldn’t drink it.
  • The tea was too hot for me to drink.
1. The company offers freebies. It wants to attract customers.
2. James Mathews is the president of the club. He is an eloquent speaker.
3. You press this button. You can operate the machine.
4. The patient was given the best medical attention. Still doctors couldn’t save him.
5. He gave up his studies. He did so with reluctance.
6. The batsman was hurt by a bouncer. He went back to the pavilion.
7. The sea was rough. We cancelled the voyage.
8. It was a small cot. I couldn’t sleep on it.
9. He was deserted by his friends. He lost hope.
10. The girl was carrying a basket on her head. She walked towards the market.

For answers click here⇩

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