понедельник, 25 мая 2020 г.


Watch this video lesson to revise the Indirect Speech

Grammar of Sentences: Word Order

Watch this video to know more about Word Order in English 

Согласование времен - Sequence of Tenses

Watch this video lesson to know about The Sequence of Tenses

Parenthetical Punctuation

 Watch the video to know about Parenthetical Punctuation.

Parenthetical and Sentence Definition

 Watch the video to know more about Parenthetical and Sentence Definition.


Parentheses set off extra information (such as a writer's remarks, an interruption, or a reference) from the rest of a sentence. 

Learn how to use them in this video!

вторник, 5 мая 2020 г.

The Compound-complex sentence

This is the video lesson on what is the Compound-complex sentence. Go through the link below to learn this information.


The 4 English Sentence Types – simple, compound, complex, compound-complex

Watch the video lesson to study the 4 English Sentence Types – Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-complex.

What is a complex sentence?

What is a complex sentence? To know the answer watch the video lesson above.

Here are some more exsamples to remember the material on the Complex sentence.

Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences | Learning English

Learn how to identify simple, compound and complex sentences and use them in your own writing. Good writers use a variety of sentence structures to make their writing more engaging.

Compound Sentence - English Grammar Lesson

In this lesson, we introduce ourselves to the compound sentence and its parts, and learn how to construct good, grammatical compound sentences of various lengths.

The Compound Sentence

In this lesson, we introduce ourselves to the compound sentence and its parts, and learn how to construct good, grammatical compound sentences of various lengths.

Here are some more examples to remember the material.